Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Water Marbling

Hii! :)

Today I tried water marbling. Oh what a disaster. I didn't take any pictures, because it was so terrible.. It was my first time and with the help of my sister, it was decent, but stupidly thinking I could do better I cleaned my nails without taking photos. Ever since then I haven't been able to do them that well again.

I personally don't like this technique, its time consuming and messy. I used vaseline so I could easily clear the excess polish, but it was still really annoying to clean the dotting tools I used to make the design. I tried all the brands I own and Ulta 3 and OPI seem to work the best. NYC is ok too. I think I would rather do dry marbling, it's less messy and I like what I've seen. I also think it will be less time consuming.

I spent roughly 3 hours with all of my 3 attempts, about an hour each.

What was your experience with water marbling? Was it a good one? Send me your pics and comments! :)



  1. I've tried a few times and I'm still not great at it. :(

    1. All of mine had bubbles :( The first one I did, was actually good, but I think it was just luck lol


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